Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Battle Begins

I see two major battle fronts for the next year.

The first is getting out and logging mileage on my weary legs. It's hard to find time when I'm on the road and it's easy to just sit and hang with the family after a long day rather than head out for a run in the evening. I'm not a morning person so getting up early for a run before the day starts is also very hard.

The second battle is the food consumption. I'm living on the road a lot lately so I'm constantly eating in restaurants and it's hard to resist the temptation for good food that is rich and not particularly healthy. I'm planning to return to my previous vegetarian ways to reduce my consumption fatty meats. I'm also going to try and blog my food consumption - thereby embarrassing myself if I continue to overeat.

Last night I made it to the gym. Ran for 5 miles and did a little bit of weights after. Won't make it there today as I have to do some shopping then Susan and her sister are leaving me with the kids while they go to a show - tomorrow the gym is closed but I will try to make it outside for a run in the cold!

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