Sunday, December 28, 2008

Manhattan Bridge to the Southern Tip Out and Back

Following a successful run at the opposite end of Long Island I returned to face the western tip today with a bit of the southern tip of Manhattan thrown in.

Total distance (gmap-pedometer, as my footpod was inactive for some reason this run): 9.7 miles

Total time (including waiting for lights, e.g. wind breaks!): 1:14 flat


Manhattan Bridge out and back across to West Broadway, down to the southern tip, around and back via Manhattan Bridge. I typically don't run back across the Manhattan but the weather was great so I figured everyone (and their dogs) would be on the Brooklyn Bridge so I steered clear.


Heart Rate – was very low for me, especially at this speed (7:40 or so) – around 165 bpm average

Thoughts – felt great, but then again running in a long sleeve with tights (no hat, no gloves, no jacket) will do that to you. Missed my new, on order, clear glasses for training – too dark for shades and too windy not to have something. I refuse to run in my regular glasses, but need some eye protection.

China town looks great this time of year, go check it out if you haven't!

Niggly report – all well on that front. Believe that my new insoles are the culprit, and will replace them and test those old shoes...the left arch feels great and the quad is better too. Small blister, but it was a long run.


  1. Hi Josh, It took us awhile to figure out who was Hollywood. Do you have a blog for Dylan? How is she doing? What's her latest milestone? Happy New Year, Amy and Abdul

  2. My mobile phone area code is from Hollywood, so everyone once in a while, when I need an alias I use that one.

    Dylan has a smugmug page, which is effectively a blog of some sorts. Dylan 'crawled' forward for 1.4 feet in 5 minutes doubling her PR!
