Saturday, May 30, 2009

Brooklyn Half an emotionally taxing PR

There are so many ways that this race report could come together -

...I had a great race and crushed my PR by over 3 minutes...
...from mile 7 on-ward all I thought about was being done, which is unheard of in my training and rare in my race-running...
...I actually managed to maintain a very good pace while watching my heart rate like a hawk... was hot for the first time this running year and that took a toll, despite the fact that I stayed in the shadows of the trees the entire time...
...while running I made an conscious effort to look around and enjoy the run, which I certainly did for the first 6 miles in Prospect Park...

and amazingly all would be true, completely or to some degree. I suppose that distance running is partially/entirely a brain game and I struck out today - and still managed to finish with a decent time. Tomorrow I'll go on my recovery run (3.5 - 4 miles at a snail's pace).

Race Name, Date Net
Graded %
Brooklyn Half
May 30, 2009
1:43:23 7:53 1638 1368 273 57.9 %

Mile Splits:

#1 7:35
#2 7:49
#3 7:29
#4 7:22
#5 7:50
#6 7:50
#7 7:29
#8 7:38
#9 7:52
#10 8:00
#11 8:05
#12 8:39
#13 8:43
#13.1 0:54

Since I consider it a 'bonk' if I'm running slower than 8 min miles in these distance races (who knows what my marathon pace will be) I wasn't too happy with the last three mile paces. The 7th mile onward are one of on the world's flattest roads (see previous post). Positive was that I could see the mile markers coming a quarter away, but there were more disadvantages.

Average heart rate - 177 bpm (I had to slow it down on the end to keep my heart rate from ticking into the mid 180's. I was religious about 'following my heart' on this race slowing down every time I ticked up. Actually I'm AMAZED that my heart rate on average was that low. Felt much higher during the race and was certainly so on the last few miles...still the average is the average. High was 188.

Who knows where we go from here. Seriously, this race was a wake up call. Either I've got to take my training up a notch or retire from this attempt at this year's Marathon. Only time will tell. I'm not going to give up racing and I really like the half distance. I just can't see myself running another one of those after having run the first half, if you get my drift here.

Another thing - I am going to crush this time in the Nike 1/2 in August. It is just going to happen, must happen. I've got to get a hold of those last two miles - sure I was 30 seconds faster than I was in the Bronx a couple of months ago, but that was a hilly course that I didn't know before I ran it.

In the 'yada yada' department - it's been brutal around my house for sleeping lately. Mostly because of our little one's 'sleep training'. I don't believe in excuses, but this is a fact. let's hope that we're in a better spot in a few months time for the Nike Half (which will be hellishly hot, pray for a cold snap).

Final thought - this is by far the best my legs have felt after a long run/race - so that's a real glimmer of hope here. I've got to get out there on the streets more often and cut down on the excuses!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Shoulda been simple - Brooklyn 1/2 Prep run

This one should have been straight forward - go to Prospect Park, run to the corner, find Ocean Parkway, run to Coney Island to prep for the race. The only problem is that I left out of the WRONG exit and one can't just run down Ocean Parkway without a car...disaster ensued, but only a small disaster.

Definitely didn't do it in the time I'd hoped. But then again, I didn't run the 6.1 or so miles I'd planned either. The upside is that the part outside the Park next weekend is going to be pancake flat!

If I'd run another 1/4 turn around the Park all would have been so much better, you see...

8.9 miles in 1:22 or so, not my fastest performance. Oh yeah, Ocean Parkway simply never ends...but I'm glad to know that now (improving the mental game, huh?)...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Getting into the rhythm thanks to Jay

So I've found a new running partner. Jay met Susan through acting and he's a morning person looking to get fit, so he's happy to hop the train over to PS in the morning and hit the park loop for 40min. This is great motivation for me to get up and I always like running with someone rather than alone.

We ran yesterday, today and plan another run tomorrow. On the weekend we'll do our own long runs then back to the routine during the week together. I'm running just under 10min pace, which is fine for my mid-week runs right now. The plan is to stretch it out to 5 miles next week, then use interval training and some sprint work to get our speed up to about 8:30 over the course of the next few weeks.

My plan for this Sat is a nice 8 mile run at ~10 min pace, then some more biking for x-training on Sunday. Feeling good these days and the early sunrise is helping that for sure.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Downtown NY 3 miler

A funny thing happened on the way to this race - I actually decided to race it, which, in retro-retrospect was stupid. The entire idea was to enjoy running through the financial district - a race that I missed last year due to a business trip.

So without enough recovery from my long run, I managed to race through this literally and was focused completely on running and did very little sighseeing. Now maybe that begs the question of whether you can sightsee with 4,600 other people anyway.








M36 1533 BRRC 495 445 93 21:25 7:08

For some reason I thought this race was a 5 k...

But I did manage to keep the pace and I did manage to get in front of the horde so that the start/race wasn't a total waste (key without corrals). So I planned my work and worked my plan, an important development as I sometimes 'lose focus' during the race and slow down (never stop, though!).

Pretty neat, but I think that next year I'll buy a $5 suit and run with a briefcase or something.

Heart rate was high - in the 175 zone on average, but with a nice maintenance pace of 172 at sub 7 miles for the first mile plus, so that felt good.

Tomorrow's a rest day - and I might just rest on Thursday too, too much City street pounding in too short of a time for me.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nice active weekend

Ran the Healthy Kidney 10K on Saturday too. Felt strong and ran a 9:49 pace. This is much better than the last time I ran a long distance (10:09 pace for the 9.3 mile race in March).

The Nike+ sensor logged me a little too fast and a little too far but it mostly got the time and slow period correct:

I made it out for a ride on the bike with kids in tow for ~10 mile ride on Sunday and I'm heading out in the morning for a quick 4 mile loop of the park. Generally feeling positive about the weather getting better and logging more miles over the next few weeks to start building out the distance.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Healthy Kidney Long Run

I'm just not keen on the subway! Ran to the race - using the old link - although the route this time was up Broadway. Click here for last route.

Last time I did this I was sluggish on the run there and felt horrid on the run at the park. This time, I felt okay on the run there and great on the run in the park.








AG %
1353 1140 213 47:45 0:23:40 7:42 46:27 1377 57.7 %

Remember, that I'd run over 6.5 miles before the race even started - in around 49 minutes this these were miles 7-13

Race Mile :
1: 7:30
2: 7:30
3: 8:07 (hill)
4: 7:47
5: 7:37
6: (didn't catch)

my Finish of 47:45 was only 2:30 slower than my last 10k (which was fresh)
It was almost 40 seconds faster than my 2008 Scotland run, which was run with pacing from my unofficial coach (although we got super jammed at the start and ran a 9:30+ first mile). It was 30 seconds faster than the same course run in December, when I was just coming back from being off with Dylan's birth. And it was more than 30 seconds faster PER MILE than the last time I ran 10k before a 10k for a warm up.

A wonderful moment in the race: 10 mins into the race the very light rain picked up and it POURED. Just long enough for me to get through two of the three significant uphills. For some reason - must be the difference between good days running and bad days running - I welcomed the rain and took it literally in stride. It must have been good for everybody as the guy who won the race broke the course record too.

One more thought, while I didn't run a negative split in this race, I didn't really fade either. This is interesting especially when you realize the high miles that the second half of this race represented since I'd left my house. So I'm very pleased with that!

Thus I'm really looking forward to the Brooklyn Half at the end of the month. I hope to shatter my PR for the 1/2. Let's see

Additionally, my legs don't hurt as much as they have, and I'm hoping at least part of that is having the right shoes...

Brian and Diane also ran very good races, but I'll let them tell their tales.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Three runs in one entry - Mom's day = new 4 miler PR!

In reverse chronological order -

Today's race – Mother's day 4 miler

My goal was to run the entire race in under 28 mins, at least matching my time from a couple of weeks ago.

Last year's Mom's day – May 11th – 28:17 (which seemed unbelievably fast at the time and for a long time thereafter – my fastest per mile race by far up until that point)

Run for the Parks – April 11th 2009 – 27:48

Today's race – 27:32
Splits – Mile 1 6:49
Mile 2 6:41
Mile 3 7:10
Mile 4 6:49

The stupid hill on Mile 3 always kills me (but I can't complain when mile #4 is straight down hill). Overall I am very pleased both for breaking my PR and for maintaining my tradition of 'doing it for Mom' (including this year Steph!) and running my fastest on Mom's day.

Now let's hope that unlike last year I continue to peak all the way through the Summer.

A final thought – this was a taxing race. My AVERAGE heart rate was 181. I'll have to check the pace and heart rate against the Run for the Parks...but I think that this shows that I'm a bit further out of shape that I was in April. Time to hit the streets a bit harder. But the new shoes (got racing shoes as my old racers were spent) helped out a ton.

Friday's run

A little 2.22 miler out and back. First with my brand new, proper, shoes. I went out fast and tried to beat my time coming back, which I did easily. In retrospect, I wonder if I used a bit of energy on Friday and this caused my elevated heart rate in today's race?

Out (downhill) 16:23 HRM Ave 158 Pace: 7:23
Return (slight uphill) 15:46 HRM Ave 171 Pace: 7:03

note the difference in heart rate – which includes starting from basically scratch both times (long wait, like 10 mins between runs).

Sunday Night Run

Perhaps interestingly, I had to stop – for the first time basically ever as my forefoot (right and to a lesser degree my left) throbbed with pain. When I got home I realized that I was a. wearing the wrong shoes (I have high arches and these shoes are for normal footed folks) and b. I flex my foot really hard when sitting at this and my work computer. Since then I've been working to address both factors. The sitting was easy – just mentally break the habit. I also ordered some new shoes (which are working like a charm, as you can see above).

Friday, May 1, 2009

Vienna Scenic Route - Travel

Week long trip to Vienna didnt' stop the running (although I only got one run in).

1:30 with a low - 138 average bpm ran over 9 miles - so that's good.