Thursday, July 30, 2009

BH to Redhook, return via Smith Street: Slow recovery run on 07/30/2009

I have been reading about ways to spice up and break up the training and this one was a real winner. Run a mile, walk a minute or a bit longer. Funny thing is, I was actually FASTER than many of my recent recovery style runs. 9:15 average, including walks - so that's not bad. I decided against the mile 5 walk as I'd gotten into a rhythm and just wanted to be done. The average heart rate of 144 is a bit deceiving because of all the breaks. I can't wait to do this on my long run this weekend. A note, due to the weather and a dinner commitment last night, I took an extra rest day this week and distributed the miles to the other workout days. - Recovery: Slow recovery run on 07/30/2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday over and back on the bridges

Pretty simple run really, ran over the Manhattan and back on the Brooklyn. Nice flow to the run, felt better at the end than at the beginning. Was hot and sticky and I still managed to post some negative splits, something that I find challenging.

Miles and their times -

8:48 Mile 1
9:16 Mile 2 Climb
7:02 Mile 3 Downhill all the way / Chinatown
8:54 Mile 4 Climb #2
8:12 Mile 5

Gotta check the course versus the map, 'cause this one seemed really fast and it just wasn't. Then again it was 85 with 85% humidity when I ran. No excuse, just the facts. - Training Log for sandiver

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Sunday Long Run on 07/26/2009

12.31 miler in 2:02 with walking, scampering (around huge puddles), lightning strikes, pouring rain, and generally $h1te conditions. - Long Run: Sunday Long Run on 07/26/2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

4.3 mile - Recovery: Relaxed Run around Cadman Plaza on 07/25/2009

Nice easy run, however I managed to do a 7:35 pace at 155 bpm - so that's showing some improvement. Really needed another run on the soft track and this fit the bill. Scared a bit, long tailed rat nearly to his/her death. Get out of the path, dude! - Recovery: Relaxed Run around Cadman Plaza on 07/25/2009 - Training Log for sandiver - Training Log for sandiver

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Another late run

Okay, this is getting a bit silly - I have this blog, the Mapmyrun site, and the NY Times Health page - all to update. My new way to go is to post comments here and then link through to Mapmyruns where you can find the details, should you be interested. I'll always properly blog the long runs as well as any races that I run. This should streamline the blog and save time, and potentially limit my dominance of the board. And, finally, given Brian some airtime, should he wish to blog here too.

5 Miles in 40 mins - felt like I was moving more quickly than that, but I wasn't. Again, I need to increase my work rate to get down to my target pace of 3:30. But I'll be very happy with 3:45...What can you say?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

5 Miles at 9 p.m.

Got up and got dressed this morning, only to find my daughter wide awake. Put my wife to bed and then put my daughter to sleep too - but I fell asleep myself! So:

Summary - Pushed a little bit, felt strong wanted to go faster, but wasn't possible in the heat. Looks like it's going to be very hard to get down below 8 mins for the actual race...but I'm not thinking about that now. I miss the Spring/Fall running temps, for sure.

Name: Late night redhook run
Type: Regular Run
Time Taken: 00:39:25

Workout Route: Brooklyn Heights Redhook 5 mile loop
Total Distance: 5.00 mi.
Burned: 658 (kcal)

Notes hot and sticky

Workout Stats
Pace: 07:52 (avg)
Speed: 7.61 (mi/hr) (avg)
HR: 77 (bpm) (min)
155 (bpm) (avg)
199 (bpm) (max)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

3 Mile Recovery Run - Cadman Plaza

Easy evening cool down, recovery run after yesterday's effort.
Actually felt better after the run than before, especially in my legs.

No problems with soreness in my ACL - although my muscles in my right knee were a bit ginger at first. Feel great. Tough to run so slow though. 5 laps of Cadman, and luckily it's exactly the right distance there and back to call it 3 miles.

For more information on the Cadman Plaza track:

Date: 07/19/2009
Start: 09:00:00
End: 09:29:00
Time Taken: 00:29:00

Workout Route: Cadman Plaza Soft Track
Total Distance: 0.43 mi.
Burned: 371 (kcal)

Workout Stats
Pace: 10:00 (avg)
Speed: 6 (mi/hr) (avg)
HR: 89 (bpm) (min) 138 (bpm) (avg) 149 (bpm) (max)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Steph's Birthday Long Run

Was my Wife's birthday so I went out on a long run in the evening - after taking her to an undisclosed location for her birthday celebration. Wonderful day and a nice way to end it.

Ran 14.21 of the goal 15 miles for today. It wasn't my legs, nor my heart that was bad this time, it was the pounding in my knees - ACL to be exact. So I ended a couple of hundred meters early - who cares? Perhaps someone will flame me for that, but I'm a big guy and I figure that the Mapmyrun distance thing is sometimes off. So I'm happy with my run.

9:51 min per mile pace
Note that I walked at 16, 36, 54, 1:19; 1:35; and then again around 2
each for about two mins on the early and 3 mins on the later
Kept my heart rate down on the average, but also noticeably kept it down at pace following the start back up. Was in the 141 - 144 range for much of the West side, 144 - 149 for the Bowery. Ticked up in the dark on the FDR side path and pushed it pretty hard over the Manhattan Bridge (168) but it felt great. Note that the highest rate recorded was 170.

The map may be impressive on this one, particularly if you're not living in NYC.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Verizon Corporate Challenge

Ran a 5k for SP in lieu of doing the 4 miles that I had on my NY Times dance card - the warm up and cool down make it work out.

Hot and sticky, I finished 24:38 last year. Nothing official but I think I did 22:25 or so, which was fine. I ran fast enough to 'count' for the SP team, so that made me happy. Felt good to go fast, although it was definitely a change from my normal runs.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fast confused 4 miler

Goal to run the simple 4 mile loop. Wrong turn equaled 4.2 miles run, which was okay. Had a working appointment after the run, so couldn't dawdle.

Was impressed with my relatively low heart rate, considering the heat at 162 average for a well under 8 minute per mile pace (7:37). Only hit 172 on the big hill at the end - doesn't EVERYONE have/put big hills at the end of their training runs? The BH topography gives me no other choice.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday's are long run days - 10 miler

It was hot so I couldn't call it a long easy run.

10 miles in 1:26.27
wore the fuel belt and bought a Gatorade before the return on the Brooklyn Bridge - crazy to try to run that during the Summer at sunset, stupid really.

Lovely run and miles 6 through 8 benefited from a nice breeze off the water of the east river...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Morning dicipline pays off in evening quick run

Ran a new, flat 5 miler route this evening (after the 5 spot this morning). Had my headphones on which nearly cancel out all sounds - not necessarily a good idea on dark, 9 p.m. roads (but I was careful).

Was moving - at around 7:45 miles per minute - which doesn't sound fast and really isn't fast until I tell you that I was only pumping at 159 BPM - which is much, much lower than I usually do at this speed. Add in that I'd run 5 miles this a.m. and I'm pretty excited about the result!

Final thought - I recovered down to 112 (average 114) bpm 2 mins after the run was complete and the only hill on the course is right before the finish (significantly elevating my heart rate right at the end of the run).

New course:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Discipline - Morning workout

5 mile run today (actually on Friday morning but logged today as it is in lieu of the run that I didn't get in on Thursday)

49+ mins at 145 bpm - the usual route, over and back on the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges. Really take a LOT of discipline to run this slowly. If you haven't done it you can't imagine what I mean. If you have done it, then you know.

Beautiful morning - reminded me of SD all year round. Can't imagine a prettier view though...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

5 mile tempo run - Manhattan to Brooklyn Bridges

This week I have four 5 milers to run - thus I'd like to mix it up a little bit. Today's plan was to run a slow first mile and then cook for the following 3 miles. I was hoping to push down into the 7 minute mark, a number that I didn't even come close to.

It took me around 8:15 on the first mile (down hill largely). I ran the next three miles, including the two bridges in 25 minutes. The last mile, which was a relaxing chill out to home (heart rate dropped MORE than 10 bpm) was 7:39. This may reflect the fact that the last 'mile' was short (most likely). It was also very, very flat - something that the other miles were NOT.

Overall a nice run and a good way to start out the week. Feet continue to be a slight bit raw. The rest of me feels fantastic. The long run this weekend is only 10 miles, so I'm looking forward to a relatively relaxed week, all told.

Average speed - 8:13 min/mile
Average Heart rate - 165 bpm (very low for me relative to the exertion that I felt)
perhaps not low relative to my over all speed, if compared to runs/races in Central Park; no climbs like the bridges in Central Park (outside of Harlem Hill).

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Very slow recovery run - 3 miler

As per the NY Times schedule that I'm on (see below), I ran 3 miles today.

32 mins for the 3 miles is certainly slower than I ran earlier in the week - but after 13 miles yesterday I figure that that's fine. I was running to my heart rate - and making every effort to keep it down - the average for this run was 138, extremely low for me. I started walking each time my heart rate got above 140 bpm.

Legs feel great and this was one of those runs when it felt like I could have gone at least 5 miles - nice to want more at the end.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth of July 13 mile blowout

Slow and steady wins the race and today I managed to do just that - ran slow to begin and managed to keep the pace pretty steady - without too much 9:30 miles in there. Legs don't hurt - averaged 166 bpm, which is excellent considering the heat. Wore my fuel belt with around 36 oz (9 x 4) of water. Consumed 2 gels during the run and one before - just basically took it easy and enjoyed the scenery - which was impressive with all the folks hanging out and partying on the big day. Brooklyn is cool and much more laid back in many ways that Manhattan - or the part that I knew well...


13 miles
Pace calculated at 8:31 - which is just fine by me
FYI - tried a new 'lubing' technique which worked much better. Not going to give the details, but I wore my Summer tights without the typical mid-line raffe rubbing that I typically get - this kind of stuff will be a life saver during the actual race. Plus I just put in an order for BodyGlyde after reading about it on Run, Paul, Run's blog - that should work even better.

My feet and legs feel great. Tomorrow I'll try to run a short (~4 mile) recovery run at somewhere in the 135 - 145 range. Man that will feel slow, but luckily I don't have very far to go - let's see if I can get it done in less time than I did the 1/2 today.

All in the best I've felt on a run in a long, long time. And certainly the best I've felt on a long run ever. Ran on the dirt in Prospect Park to take it easy on the joints...but that was only for two miles or so.

Friday, July 3, 2009

4 miles today - 1/2 marathon tomorrow

Just a quick 4 miles around BH tonight.
Not too slow at just under 8 min miles.
Tomorrow is the big one - a 1/2 marathon jaunt to get the official training started.

Tonight's effort managed to stay at a comfortable 160 average pace - that will mark my top end effort for tomorrow's run. I was going to run down the West Side from the GWB - but that's off as it's 4th and it will be CROWDED with folks. So I'll probably run loops around the old neightborhood just for fun.

I'll wear my fluid belt for the first time, so it probably makes sense to stay close to home and just take it all in...

Too bad Brian's not around, otherwise I'd go over to his, run around the park twice and then come home. a perfect half course, that.

Happy Fourth, one of the best holidays of the year, by far.
Got to be Patriotic, especially this year with Mr. Obama in the White House - and you thought that was a temporary quote a bit of the OTHER Clinton

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Coach inspired 'fast' 3 miler

After a wonderful lunch with my coach, Mika, I was inspired to really get out there today and make something happen. Then it rained, hard. So between thunderstorms I jumped out for a short, 3 miler. Which I completed in 22:49.

you can follow my NY Times based training here:

For the 3 mile course around our place - - Quick Run: Brooklyn Heights Fast 3 miler on 07/02/2009

Map and statistics - including heart rate available via Mapmyrun